Dimitrios GourtzilidisFuturecasting Finance: Leveraging Tomorrow’s Tools and Trends for Today’s Financial Wins — Part 1The recent and relatively recent developments of the internet, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and others, have proven…Nov 1Nov 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisDecoding Financial Models: A Clear Guide to Theoretical, Empirical, Deterministic, and Stochastic…In order to provide a structured and quantitative approach to understanding, analyzing, and predicting the complex behavior of financial…Nov 1Nov 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisinDataDrivenInvestorMachine Learning for Finance: Linear RegressionThis article will jump-start the topic of machine learning for the financial markets by examining linear regression.Nov 1Nov 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisKarl Marx: The Biggest Critique of Capitalism.Disclaimer: This article doesn’t have any political scope. The only goal of this article is to analyze the economy under the model proposed…Oct 1Oct 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisBeyond Supply and Demand: Understanding the Complexities of EconomiesSupply and demand are the fundamental principles that dictate how prices are set in a market economy. Supply refers to the quantity of a…Oct 1Oct 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisinDataDrivenInvestorWhat is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), How is it Calculated, and How Valid is it?Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the heartbeat of a nation’s economy, offering a snapshot of its financial health and vitality. As the most…Oct 12Oct 12
Dimitrios GourtzilidisRisk Measurements: Value-at-Risk (VaR)One of the most popular risk metrics of the past decades is undoubtedly the Value at Risk (VaR) metric.Sep 1Sep 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisinDataDrivenInvestorMastering Financial Risk: A Beginner’s Guide to Navigating UncertaintyThis article will focus on terms like uncertainty, complexity, risk, and risk modeling and explain their differences and similarities.Sep 1Sep 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisWho is Elon Musk? The Answer Might Surprise You — Part 3— Rest of PortfolioIn this article, the main focus will be the continuation of Elon Musk’s portfolio.Sep 1Sep 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisinFortune For FutureAn Introduction to Financial Econometrics: Calculating the Return of SPY During a YearThis article will introduce concepts like financial economics and financial econometrics, and introduce the calculation of returns and…Aug 1Aug 1