Dimitrios GourtzilidisKarl Marx: The Biggest Critique of Capitalism.Disclaimer: This article doesn’t have any political scope. The only goal of this article is to analyze the economy under the model proposed…4d ago4d ago
Dimitrios GourtzilidisinFortune For FutureBeyond Supply and Demand: Understanding the Complexities of EconomiesSupply and demand are the fundamental principles that dictate how prices are set in a market economy. Supply refers to the quantity of a…4d ago4d ago
Dimitrios GourtzilidisinDataDrivenInvestorWhat is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), How is it Calculated, and How Valid is it?Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the heartbeat of a nation’s economy, offering a snapshot of its financial health and vitality. As the most…4d ago24d ago2
Dimitrios GourtzilidisRisk Measurements: Value-at-Risk (VaR)One of the most popular risk metrics of the past decades is undoubtedly the Value at Risk (VaR) metric.Sep 1Sep 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisinDataDrivenInvestorMastering Financial Risk: A Beginner’s Guide to Navigating UncertaintyThis article will focus on terms like uncertainty, complexity, risk, and risk modeling and explain their differences and similarities.Sep 1Sep 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisWho is Elon Musk? The Answer Might Surprise You — Part 3— Rest of PortfolioIn this article, the main focus will be the continuation of Elon Musk’s portfolio.Sep 1Sep 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisinFortune For FutureAn Introduction to Financial Econometrics: Calculating the Return of SPY During a YearThis article will introduce concepts like financial economics and financial econometrics, and introduce the calculation of returns and…Aug 1Aug 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisA Relatively Quick Probability Crash Course — Part 6 — Additional Continuous Random VariablesIn the previous article of this series, “A Relatively Quick Probability Crash Course — Part 4 — Bernoulli Trial and Discrete Random…Aug 1Aug 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisinDataDrivenInvestorWho is Elon Musk? The Answer Might Surprise You — Part 2— SpaceX & TeslaThis article is the second part of the “Who is Elon Musk? The Answer Might Surprise You” article series.Aug 1Aug 1
Dimitrios GourtzilidisWho is Elon Musk? The Answer Might Surprise You — Part 1 — Early Life and Past PortfolioElon Musk has been characterized as the “real-life Iron Man”, or “the most important entrepreneur of the 21st century”. His life had many…Jul 1Jul 1